White Lotus Spa

Floor Plan


1.1(Members Lounge): A large, sprawling marble floored lounge. It is decorated with stone pillars and a lavish amount of fine silk hanging from the ceiling. A few pieces of furniture are scattered around the room, mostly lavish couches and small chairs. This is where exclusive guests may kick their feet up and relax when not in the private bath chambers. This room can be tailor-suited to the guests liking should they provide information ahead of time.


1.2(Private Bath Chambers): A large pool of clear hot water, planted in a warm marble floor with several vents to supply heat from the furnaces. The temperature of the water may be adjusted with a device on one of the walls. This room is exclusively for private guests, members, or the Founder.  A few lillies and lotus petals can be found strewn across the top of the water. The unforgettable scent of lavender and gooseberry eminating from the chamber.


2.1(Public Chambers): The water is tepid, flower petals strewn across the water and steam rising up from the vents in the floor can be felt warming up the large stone room. The baths can be customized, should someone feel the desire to pay a little extra for their visit. This is where non-members or first-timers typically will be put.


2.2(Basilica): A large, empty room that is decorated mostly with fine silks and the accent of the stone building. This room is designed as an exercise room, and gives guests a place to go to get their blood flowing!


2.3(Showers): Several showers are installed in this room, perfect for cooling off after a nice hot bath or perhaps warming up after a nice cold one.


2.4(Hot Spring): A natural hot spring, located in the heart of the building that is said to have healing properties. This is exclusively for special guests; or those found to be in need. A hefty sum is placed on time here, that is unless you are a good friend of the Founder.


2.5(Banquet Room): A smaller room, with two small pools divided by a single column of marble flooring. This room is designed mostly for private parties or other social gatherings.


2.6(Secondary Banquet Room): Another smaller room, with two pools. This room also has an entry-way into the exclusive changing rooms for members of the Spa. First-timers, or general public are not typically allowed back here.


2.7(Cold Pool): A nice dip into cool waters was always known to calm a racing heart. This room is typically kept colder; for those with specific tastes.


2.8(Foyer for Public Changing Rooms and Kitchen): A hall that seperates two rooms with one on each side.  To the North is a small kitchen that offers food and drinks. To the south is the public changing rooms; where most general guests and non-members will be able to strip down and get ready for their spa experience.


 This is a major WIP, please be patient!

The Founder


1. No drama please, casual roleplay and even OOC chit-chat is more than welcome here.


2. Casual roleplay is encouraged in the room, and smut is even welcome should you feel the desire.


3. No combat, this is a place of peace as such any offenders will be shown the door.


4. I encourage other people to stop by and take advantage of what the spa has to offer.


5. Empty profiles will probably be kicked, put in some effort please.


6. I reserve the right to ban, or kick whomever I desire. I'm perfectly friendly but I won't tolerate trolls/douches/the like.