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SPN: Saving People, Hunting Things

SPN:SPHT is a 100% drama-free, accepting roleplay game based off the fantasy horror television series created by Eric Kripke 'Supernatural', about Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who dedicate their lives to hunting supernatural creatures to protect humans and to save the world time and again from the dangers this increasingly sinister landscape that the world has become as the years go by presents.

Visit our site HERE || There you can find information such as locations, cases, characters, logs and more.

We more or less follow canon until season 12, from there the appearance of different OCs and different circumstances changed the course of things to an extent. We still had British Men of Letters, Lucifer coming back, people being sent to the Empty, but some things were different. Long story short: it's still the same vibe from the show, same big events -mostly- but with the touch of different characters that have made a difference in how things happened.

We aim to give everyone a safe, free and nice place to roleplay, without all the drama that has been going on with this fandom before, no hate, no grudges and no discrimination of ANY kind.

Hopefully, the RP will be going on all the time, and we highly encourage you to join in, lurk, do anything you want! Everyone is welcomed!

Rules and Info

We have plenty of arcs going, a lot of different characters and settings for everyone to find a place, visit our site HERE to find all of that, and if you have any questions? You can ask our staff (with the links below). Just remember that we're human too, and sometimes we're tired or, how dare! Sleeping! But if we're around we'll help you with all we can 

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FIRST, Read the Strike System HERE

  1. NO DRAMA: if you have a problem/issue with another player take it to PMs, if someone is harassing you, let the admins/mods know and we will fix it, promise. We're a 100% drama-free room and stirring things like this could be the only reason to get you banned. So please, we beg, no drama at all! This is a game, it's supposed to be fun. Let's keep it like that!
  2. No anime characters. We like real face claims please. SPN is not an anime, so all characters should have real face claims. Of course, there can be exceptions, but they need to be discussed with the admins.
  3. Nobody is the main character. NO-BO-DY. If you want to join into the story, ask Thea, Sam or Dean. They can all help you get into the game and they will do all they can to help you out. But if you're wanting to join an on going scene, please ask first (95% of the times, nobody will say no, promise!). That being said, we will not make you the main character and the story most probably will not be about you and nobody else! Relevance is earned, and we're sure you can all work on it!
  4. All OCs and canon characters are accepted, after at least one of the admins approve of them! This is just so we can keep OP characters and multiple Sams and Deans and Castiels running around. No double characters, there's only *one* Dean, Sam, Cas, Bobby, etcetera.
  5. No smut in the main-chat. That can make people uncomfortable, therefore we ask you take it to private! Thankyouverymuch.
  6. Please obey the mods and owners. We usually don't tell anyone what to do -or not to do- but when we do, we expect people to listen. Also, know that 'your room, your rules' is not what we're aiming for. We like to discuss things and if you think we're wrong, PLEASE let us know. We're here for you, all the time! But we expect you to be respectful too, and an admin/mod's will always have the last say.
  7. All of the rules from RPH apply here too.