The Soldier's Respite




Tavern General Rules

Rule A: Under no circumstances is god-modding allowed.

What is "god-modding"?

- God-modding is making yourself immortal or unable to be killed.
It is also making yourself invincible to too many situations.

What if I'm just powerful?

- Powerful is fine, but all characters are killable in this room.
- A character's powers should be limited or somewhat believable.
- To balance power, think of how much energy an action uses.

How do I avoid god-modding?

- Let yourself occasionally get hit or injured during missions or fights.

- Sometimes have things go unexpectedly or not according to plan.

- If you're really concerned, ask a mod or room owner for help!



~ Rule B: If your character fights another writer's character, stick to the standard fighting rules.

What are the standard fighting rules?

No auto-dodge: always explain how you avoid an attack without just teleporting away from it.

- No auto-hit: always give your enemy a chance to respond before an attack hits or lands.
- No auto-kill: never outright kill someone else's character without their permission.

What happens if I miss a standard rule?

- Auto-dodge: the first time is a warning. Later, your character suffers extreme energy loss or passes out.
- Auto-hit: the first time is a warning. Later, you may be temporarily/permanently banned if this is an issue.
- Auto-kill: the kill is voided/undone. If you do it again, you will be dealt with by Karella - no one wants that.


~ Rule C: Always be kind in OOC and minimize chatter when RP is actively going on.


What do you mean by that?

- You should always be polite or kind when writing in out of character (OOC) with others.

- Evil or gruff characters are fine, but never talk rudely to other writers in the room.

     ~ Having a character who is a dick and being a dick are very different things.

     ~ Never be rude to other people/writers when talking in out of character.

- There are several things in out of character we will not tolerate:

     ~ Do not dox people or try to force them to reveal personal/real life information.

     ~ Do not continue a behavior/conversation someone told you is upsetting to them.

     ~ Do not try to force people to accept your sexual advances.

- Being rude will get you a warning; continuing the behavior will quickly get you booted/banned.

What happens if someone was rude to me?

- If someone was rude in PM or OOC, please inform the room owners or mods to handle them.

- Do not respond rudely back to them; we do not want to have to warn you for the same thing.

- If neither a room owner or mod is available, please PM Sidrem or Karella so they can handle it.


~ Rule D: Please put effort into your posts. They do not have to be perfect, but there should be a couple sentences with limited errors.

Please refrain from using text-speak when typing a post for the RP (i.e. pls, thx, etc.).
If you are having a hard time due to mobile, we are more than willing to work with you.
This is meant to help characters develop relationships which you can't get with only a few words.


Rule E: We all understand Smut or Erotic RP are things that happen, but none of it in the main room.

- Only a short kiss or flirting will be allowed in the main room.

- Anything else should be taken to a private room & PM.

- We are a story-based room, there will be no exceptions to this.

Never can the owners or servers be NPC'ed for sexual purposes.



Rule F: If there are problems in RP, speak with Sidrem Doric or Karella Rensar.

- We are both very PM friendly, do not hesitate to contact us with questions. We will answer when we can.
- If someone from the room is bothering you or making you uncomfortable, please let us know.


Rule G: Have fun! We want everyone the chance to have fun and will do our best to keep the peace.

Tavern Special Rules

Rule A: Do not destroy or damage tavern property. Karella will have your head.


~ Rule B: No teleporting directly into the tavern or using teleportation magic inside the tavern.


- The tavern has special anti-teleportation magical wards and wards to prevent this.

- This affects plane shifting as well as ghosts/spirits/astral forms moving through walls.

- Magical items with teleportation effects will not work inside the tavern.

- If you attempt to teleport inside or use teleportation magic within The Soldier's Respite...

     ~ The first time is a written warning.

     ~ The second time, those runes will force you roughly back outside.

     ~ The third time, you will be launched into the Astral Plane.

- We have this rule for a reason. If you want to break Sidrem's runes, discuss it with him.

Rule C: If your character is going to start a fight with someone else's, please give Karella or Sidrem a heads up via PM.

- This is not mandatory but the reason we ask is for a heads up is so we can watch closely.
- We want to make sure the fight is "fair" in terms of the writing; we need to focus for that.
- We also like to make sure both writers are agreeing to the confrontation before it happens.



~ Rule D: Minimize the amount of drama your character causes inside the tavern.


- Do not always have your character arriving in the tavern starving, hurt, or nearly dead.

- Do not always start fights in character. If you do, Karella will intervene to kick you out.

- Vampires, do not always come in while bloodlusting; werewolves, do not come in expecting plates of flesh.

Rule E: Tavern events and contracts are available, so help us keep your characters involved.


- You do not have to keep track of coin, however, keep your character believable based on their backstories.

     ~ This means no beggars should have enough gold to rent a room for 5 months.

     ~ We will always assume if prices are not discussed, you pay for your services accordingly.

- You can use money as an incentive to help keep your character looking out for events & develop their stories.

- Large events should appear once every two weeks or so, but quicker jobs/contracts are available as well.


Tavern Punishments

You will receive one warning for lesser issues only.

~ If the action continues, you will receive a temporary one day ban.

~ If the problem continues, the ban will become permanent.


**Please note, large issues or us receiving multiple complaints may expedite punishments.**

All of these punishments are able to be discussed with Karella or Sidrem.


Owners Karella RensarSidrem Doric
Server AM/Cook Zandyr Grayfield
Server PM Sirenne
Staff/Tavern Protection Deogi, RorkuOrasiSentinel(Defender)
Entertainer(s) N/A
Blacksmith Vek
Healer Rose Renee

Flood Kick Hall of Fame

Karella Rensar 95
Xenophanes 50
Menelaus 22
Lynn 12
Willa Gray 10
Sidrem Doric 9
Orasi 8
OuRa Beast Rider 8
Sir Hugo 6
Zandyr Grayfield 6
Defender 5
Floki 4
Kaelmourn Shattered Blade 4
Asim Adil 3
Dost Thou Even Hoist 3
Rorku Freh 3
Storywork 3
Fawks 3
Forsaken Henrik 2
Gwynn 2
BladedDemon 1
Das Wandern 1
Hexenwulf 1
Shamanka 1
Silkie 1
Storywork 1
Tariq bin Nafe 1
Varshanil 1
Vellinous 1


Tavern Physical Description

The Soldier's Respite is a well-worn building in the middle of the forest. Owned originally by a Wood-Elf, the building has been around long enough to brave through over five-hundred years and bares the marks to show it. Composed of stone and wood, the tavern floor itself is stone all the way over to the wooden bar, behind which it turns to wood. The bar itself is taken care of and clean, obviously tended to over the years to make sure it has too much wear on the wood. The support beams for the second floor are also in excellent shape, most likely either replaced or kept up with magic to prevent them from showing their age.

All metal fixtures in the building now seem to have been replaced as well, all like new while hinges and the water pumps fail to make even the slightest of sounds. The wood, however, all seems a bit worn or aged. The tables, unfortunately, seem the worst for wear although the chairs are sturdy enough to support even those in full-armor unless they are of unreasonable weight where the furniture might groan in protest. Scattered through the room, and nearby the fire pit in the center of the main room, these tables are off in the dark corners, along the walls by the windows, and even just in the middle of the room. As with the bar, the surfaces are kept clean so people can enjoy the warmth of the fire or the gentle light provided by the candles and torches left to keep the downstairs lit.

If you need more specifics, please PM Karella for more details.

Tavern Location & Nearby Area

The Soldier's Respite itself is found within the middle of the forest, just off the main road by following an old, beaten path to the building itself. The area around the tavern is a small clearing with another nearby clearing just to the southwest of where the tavern was built. Near the tavern, the woods are not as densely packed as they are even a bit further out towards the road - mostly by design it would seem. Probably in part due to the fact the tavern was built using the very woods around it.

To the North, one can follow the main road to be led up towards the nearby city of Hiran. From the tavern on foot, it would take the better portion of a day to make it up to the city so therefore, most people tend to rest at the Soldier's Respite before finishing their journey there first thing in the morning. Hiran is a fairly decent sized city that contains several interesting spots such as a school for scholars, a market district, a fairly large guard barracks, and just outside of the city there is also a masoleum. The Market is filled with fresh goods as well as some crafted ones, the guard barracks is home to the Captain of the Guard from whom the tavern receives contracts, and the masoleum dates back to honor those who died almost a thousand years prior. Brentworth Academy, the location for scholars, is known for mainly its alchemy lab and a few mages who reside to teach magic-based skills to those willing to learn them - however, it comes at the cost of a bit of coin due to the need for purchasing the magical materials and the fact the school is overly not well-funded.

To the South, one can follow the main road to be lead down to the nearby town of Ayrdale. Only a few hours from the tavern, most people will make a day trip out of going to the town for something to do besides sitting around drinking at the Soldier's Respite. The town is fairly small, especially in comparison to Hiran, but it does still have a small market, a local bar, and some craftsmen nearby although those found in the city to the North may be better skilled in some aspects. Craftsmen in town can typically offer work cheaper than those in city.

Further South past Ayrdale is the city of Jocford. Slightly less than a day and a half from the tavern, Jocford is a very well-off city with a bustling marketplace, many skilled artisans and tradesmen, and a high standard of living. The streets are paved, well-lit, and regularly patrolled at all hours of the day and night.

To the West, there is no town nor city but there is a quarry out about five hours from the tavern. It is here the tavern has gotten its stone and that there is a good supply of it. Up slightly more Northwest, there is also a more mountainous area even further away but it is rumored to be a great area for those looking to divulge in mountain activities such as hiking and evening mining, should one be able to find the old worn down entrance.

To the East, similar to the West, there is only nature unless one spends multiple days traveling in its direction. This direction bares a small river about an hour's walk from the tavern, the lake source for it can be found by following it North. The forest area to the East seems thicker for quite a while, the dense area seemingly the heart of the forest and the oldest part of it. This is a wonderful direction for those looking to hunt forest game, find herbs, or to acquire various other plants.

If you need more specifics about any location or direction, shoot Karella a PM to have your questions answered.



~Beers (By the tankard)~

Dragon Mead 2SP
Dwarven Ale 3SP
Efrreeti disssss 1SP
Fine Cider 1SP
Mead 2CP
Standard Ale 3CP
Standard Lager 2CP
Strong Lager 1SP

~Wines (By the glass)~

Dreamwine 1.5SP 
Elven Wine 2SP 
Frostwine 1SP 
House Red 4CP 
House Rose 5CP 
House White 4CP 
Mulled (Warm + Spiced)  6CP 
Therenberry 1SP 

~Spirits (by the tumbler)~

Absinthe 1SP 
Arak  7CP 
Bourbon 6CP 
Brandy 5CP 
Distilled Grain 1SP
Gin  6CP 
Rum 5CP 
Sake  7CP 
Tequila  1SP 
Vodka  5CP 
Whiskey  5CP 


Coffee 4SP 
Juice (seasonal)  4SP 
Milk  2SP 
Black 2CP
Chai 4CP
Green 3CP
Herbal 2SP
Medicinal 5SP 
Water Free


~Full Meals~

Special Alters Weekly on Saturday

~Chicken & Waffles served with mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn bread or rolls; choice of wine/ale/beer (beer recommended)— 5 SP~

Breakfast Free w/ room, 1 SP otherwise
Special 5 SP
Chicken Stry Fry  
Served over white rice  
w/ peas, carrots, and corn  
Choice of Bread/Rolls  
Choice of Wine/Ale/Beer (Wine Recommended)
Stew (meat) 1SP
Stew (Vegetable) 7CP


Beef Products  
Roast 3SP
Steak 5SP
Chicken Products  
Breasts 1SP
Thighs 7CP
Whole 3SP
Wings 8CP
Pork Products  
Bacon 5CP 
Chops 1SP 
Ribs 1SP 
Roast 2SP 
Shoulder 2SP
Venison 1SP

~Sides & Snacks~

Cheese 2CP 
 Mixed Bowl 1SP 
 Rare Fruit 8CP 
 Small Bowl 4CP 
Loaf of Bread 2CP 
 Baked 4CP
 Loaded 6CP 
 Mashed 3CP 
Sweet 5CP
Rice 2CP 
Asparagus 3CP
Baked Beans 1CP
 Broccoli 1CP 
Brussel Sprouts 2CP
Carrots 1CP 
Cauliflower 2CP
 Corn 1CP 
Green Beans 1CP
 Peas 1CP 

~Baked Goods~

Cookies 1 CP for 4 
Pie Slice 5CP 
Turnover 4CP 
Tart 5CP 

~Items for Travelers~

Horse Rations (day) 2SP
Trail Rations (day) 5SP
Waterskin (Filled) 2SP
Waterskin Refills FREE

~Requested Items (Not on Public Menu)~

Bloodwyne 1SP 
Blacksmithing See Vek
Healing See Rosa 
Oni Sake 2SP 

~Other food & drinks may be requested from Karella; it may take market time to receive them~


~Standard Rooms~

? SP/night— ? GP/month


- Standard sized bed
- Comfortably fits two people
- Sitting Chair
- Mirror
- Dresser

~Comfortable Room~

? SP/night—?? GP/month


- Queen sized bed
- Comfortably fits two people
- Two comfy chairs
- Vanity w/ chair
- Dresser
- Small writing table
- Small book shelf

~Large/Family Room~

7 ? SP/night—?? GP/month

- Two standard sized beds
- One standard sized bed, two smaller beds
- Comfortably fits four people
- Small sitting area with four chairs
- Two dressers
- One chest
- Large shelf

***Cribs, additional beds, and other items available upon request. Contact Karella for details.***


Past Contracts

~Interact with Karella or Sidrem in the room for potential contracts you can take on.~


Defeated by Gwynn and Dost