

1. No blank profiles. To elaborate this means you need to have either an image and/or written information in the body of your profile. The header alone does not count.


2. Don't be a dick, Dick. Got it? Respect yourself and the players around you. Everyone is considered equal here. If you have a problem report it to the staff.


3.  NO Racial slurrs/sexual slurrs, any kind of insulting lingo. If it's done in an offensive manner you're gonna eat my boot. kthnx.


4. I don't care who you are, who you associate with, or what you think makes the world go round. Everyone is welcomed here.




Veioihundr - Owner

Freak on a Leash - Owner

Psychotic Grin - Mod

Zorina - Mod

The Dude - Mod


IF you have any questions or concerns please contact one of the staff members. We don't bite, hard anyways.







A list of RPH friendly freebies will be placed here. 


If you would like Name pings and other useful RPH related tools (i.e. blocking, easy moderating, and dice rolling)  go here.


Thanks to someone awesome(Fenris) here is a step by step profile editing walk through and code. 

the result should look like this.


For tips and tricks like Fancy Fonts, click here!