Just a shoutout to give a HUGE thanks to [Super Girl] for the group layout.

Another special thanks to [Conner Kent] who served as co-owner during its creation. To [The Boy Wonder],  [Kaldur`ahm], [Jason Todd],  [Wally West] & [Cassandra Cain] who served as mods with us at some point.

Thanks to [Artemis Crock] who served as a mod with us for almost two years! Thanks so much for your work, Arty. ♥

--teenxjustice is the official group chatroom. Yes, this started out as a Teen Titans/Young Justice group [hence the name] but we have grown into something much larger. We accept all types of characters from the animations to the comics, some of our members have adapted to playing both versions so be sure to check their profiles for details on that or ask politely if they would be interested.

While this may seem like predominantly a DCU-based group, we DO welcome other superhero/villain based characters joining us as well. 

There will be NO drama. Period. You will be 
warned, if it persists you will be kicked. And if you come back still picking and poking you will be banned. No exceptions. This group is a place for fans of the various comic universes to come, relax, chat with other people who share the same interests and find potential partners for roleplay. They don't come here to listen to other people kick up a fuss.

The group isn't required to roleplay but if it happens (and it does occasionally, and sometimes ya just gotta ask!) please keep the ooc banter down. There's nothing more irritating than trying to roleplay and finding posts among seven thousand ooc messages.

There WILL be DOUBLES. You do NOT own your character. Unless it is an OC you have no right to complain. Kindly get over it. If someone starts harassing you about playing the same character, contact an available moderator and they will be dealt with.

Please be respectful and tolerant of others. If you don't get along with someone, do the mature thing and ignore them. Don't instigate fights or carry on after things have settled. There will be no discrimination of any kind. It's one thing to JOKE with people you know well -- but another to purposfully attack someone. You WILL be kicked. It is NOT a joking matter when someone gets hurt.

And if you are joking with someone and a member feels offended, please drop it without any rude remarks.

No sexually explict profiles. We're not a smut group. If you enjoy that type of roleplay, a mention of it on your profile and a F-list is acceptable. Also no sexual content in the room. All that should be taken to a private message.

Please no obsessive swearing. Keep it to a minimum.

Be friendly and welcoming, especially to new members. We want them to feel comfortable coming into the room.

Also, respect the staff. If you feel like something is bothering you, or you are having an issue within the group-- feel free to contact any active staff member. They are there to help you!

** This is for the staff only.**

You are not above the rules. Nor better than anyone. You have to set an example for the rest to follow, any Mod abusing their power will be stripped of it so no kicking people for fun. If you ban a member and the owner isn't around, please provide screencaps or chat-logs of the offense when the owner returns.
Warning - Strike 1
Kicked from the room - Strike 2
Banned - Strike 3

Depending how bad the offense is, the ban could be permanent or a couple of days.


Greetings, friends! I would like to take this opportunity to say I am extremely happy at how well this group turned out. When I first started it, I only expected a few members with not very much activity. But look at us now! Aside from that, I love to roleplay. Feel free to ask! I don't particularly like group roleplaying if it's more than a few people unless it's one-lining! I also love playing games, reading & hanging with the AMAZING people in the group. If you have any questions or concerns, I am always available to assist you! You can also catch me on M`gann M`orzz or Gwen Tennyson. Thanks for visiting!


So it's about time I put something here... Hello! I'm the Bad Luck Witch, Jinx. I'm fashionable, and outrageously nice... well, at least fashionable. I'm glad to be able to say that I've been around since the original conception of this wonderful group, and am more pleased to say that I will help with any issues that you have. However, I have a strict up holding of the rules laid out over there, so please follow them. Also, if you find yourself wondering why I am active at such awkward hours, or if you never see me active at all, I live in Korea. However that may be though, don't be shy to come to me with your issues, as I have plenty of tissues to pass around!


Hello, everyone! Gar here. I am very pleased and honored to announce that I am the newest Mod for the Teen Justice group. Please, if anyone has a problem don't hesitate to come to me. I can't promise that I'll fix all problems, but I'll do my best. Thank you all for having me!



I'm not a big talker, so I'll get right to it. Keep yourself in check, show discipline. Or I will do it for you. This has been my home for years now, through all of it's iterations. Do not expect me to tolerate your nonsense. I am not a social moderator, I am always ic. If you know me ooc, that's different. If you do not, always expect short answers and a stoic tone. I am willing to help you, if you need it. Just do not expect sunshines and rainbows. Also, do not touch me. Those who are excepted from this know who they are. If you have to ask, you are not an exception. Thank you, and have a nice day. For the night is Mine.

Alright, hey guys. Kara, Karen, Power Girl or whichever you wish to refer to me as, here to make sure your time here is fun and comfortable. I'm very relaxed, usually, but if you have an issue feel free to talk to me about it. I mean, most think I like to punch first and ask questions while punching but I'm pretty reasonable with just about anything. Personal rules? Should be obvious. Respect me and I respect you, simple. I'm friendly, generally kind, but I do have my own boundaries that most don't usually cross, but if you do? Well, I don't think you want to find out for yourself. Now, do ya? Please, mind all the rules, be kind to each other, and know when things are simply in character and out. If you can't solve the problem among yourselves, other mods and myself are here to resolve it. Cheers!

Why h'lo dere. Name's Gambit, but ya'll can call me Remy if ya like. Ain' much fo' all dat arguin' n' stressin' out nonsense, so if ya got a issues wit someone or somethin', jus' lemme know. I always try ta take my time ta sift through ev'ry angle of a spat, and don' jus' jump right in to a conclusion. Fairness is my prime concern. I'mma pretty laidback fella, but don't take dat fo' th'right ta jus' do whateva ya want. I expect ya t'follow de rules, n' I want you t'expect me ta treat ya right n' fair. Don' neva' go wrong wit' southern hospitality.




I want to be a character no one else is.
That's great, we encourage variety! It can be really confusing having more than one character in here sometimes. If you're stuck, the DC Wikia (or Marvel, or anything else if you're so inclined) can help. You could even ask the opinion of other members; see which character they'd like to see more of!

I'm confused. What kind of character is allowed?
Think of it this way: Are you a hero? A villain? Does the character you have in mind play a part in good vs. evil? Do they have a secret identity, a cave of wonders-- no seriously. If your character plays a part in the classic superhero scenario, good vs. evil, meets those cliches, then you're welcome in here. If you're REALLY not sure, don't hesitate to ask one of us if you're in the clear. Believe us, we're more than happy to answer rather than create an awkward situation.

Where's the role-play?
It's true, we don't do room role-play very often (save for one-liners), but you can't hold it against us if people are just waiting around for it to happen. You have to encourage it, but don't be an ass about it. If you feel intimidated, many of us prefer and are more comfortable with PM role-play. Shooting them a message couldn’t hurt?

I like smut. Is there a way around your no-smut rule?
If you are inclined to sexual role-play, then you’re entitled to your own preferences in PM. However, for the sake of this room being a no-smut zone, you must be discreet. You’re free to hint at it with an F-list or warnings, but that’s about it. Cropped pictures tagged with warnings are also appropriate.

Is there a group plot?
We tried a group plot once, and it sort of fell apart, but we've proven as a room that no one needs to be excused from group activity. If you see role-play, plot or no, you have every right to join in, regardless of whatever another character may think of it. That's why it's called room role-play!

What about events? I have an idea!
We welcome events with open arms! In fact, if the idea is accepted by everyone in the room, you are welcome to host the event yourself (with help from the staff, if you need it.)

What are the times for role-play?
That's easy: anytime at all.

There's 10+ people in the room but no one's talking!
Yeah, we idle. People do that. Maybe you came into the room at a bad hour of the day/night? If it persists, we understand, but give us a chance to be active.

No one talks to me.
This complaint is one that we have little patience for. What I mean is, if you really think no one is talking to you, please take a step back and consider what you're doing before you judge us. Maybe you're not speaking very often, or aren't jumping into our conversations? I'm not saying it's not possible for some of us to ignore others in the room (that could stem from disagreements in the past) but it doesn't mean we're all like that. It would be awesome if you took that into consideration.

Can I ask for help with a profile?
Certainly. As you can see, most of the staff are educated in HTML and CSS, and so are many of our members. I wouldn't press someone about making a profile for you, but asking for tips and the like can't hurt. We won't be down on you just because your profile isn't as pretty as someone else's. Role-play isn’t about a snazzy profile – it’s about having fun. 8D

Some people are being rude to me. Help?
As stated in the rules, all problems should be directed to the mods. We will handle it accordingly. However, if the person you're talking about has a character that is prone to being rude and this occurred in character, bear in mind that it's not the player who is acting out against you every time an argument breaks out.

How can I make this person stop harassing me?
Block them. We are not your babysitters. We handle group affairs, not individual tiffs.

There's a question/complaint I have that isn't on here.
Ask a mod about it. We'll get things sorted out.

Revised by Artemis Crock; 20/08/2012




Header 4.
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