E n d e a v o u r

Welcome aboard the Recreation Station "Endeavour" Our station is equipped with the latest in auto docking software, so feel free to come and go as you please. Understand that only personal defense pistols are allowed. Anything larger must be checked in to the armory or stored on your ship. Head over to the lounge and bar area to get refreshments and food, while our friend service droids take care of your needs.

The station is a multileveled way-station for all sorts of travelers. You will find variety in the rented quarters of your choice. If you ever need anything, simply page the localized A.I. system that handles our cleaning services. Tampering with the code in any means will forfeit your current rental and deduct an appropriate amount of currency.

All drinks and food are fairly priced according to the galactic codex or something. We offer a wide selection of spirits both domestic, alien and import. Our servo-tron 3000 will provide you with a basic attitude than adapts to your personality.

Please have some form of profile. No profiles under the age of 16.