Casual Smut
Follow Them!


1. If you want to report a user, logs are nesscary. Websites like Pastebin and programs like Snipping Tool are good for collecting logs.

2. This room openly promotes the freedom people's sexual kinks. Unless a user's profile is explicitly in violation of site rules, all profiles are allowed. If you're dislike this, there are other smut rooms to visit.

3. If you are banned for any reason, you may apply to an owner or the mod who originally banned you to repeal it. If an owner has banned you, you may file a complaint.

4. If you have a problem with a moderator you should bring your issue's to an Owner. It's encourage that you provide logs to back up your claims.

5. If you have a problem with an owner's decision regarding the administration of this room, accept my condolensces and create your own group.

6. Private message and IRL drama have nothing to do with Casual Smut and will be ignored. Unless the issue is drama that has happened within the room or involves a figure of power. Don't report it. Only report drama that has happened within or concerns CS.

7. Private message and IRL drama have nothing to do with Casual Smut and will be ignored. Unless the issue is drama that has happened within the room or involves a figure of power. Don't report it. Only report drama that has happened within or concerns CS.

8. Debates are no longer banned, but political debates are still not allowed. Please act like an adult or get banned..

Just Some Info


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The Amazing Team!



Basic User Rights


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Help For Mods


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CYA for Mods