The Survey Corps


- NO IC/OOC drama is tolerated. This means cliques who gang up on people who are not in their little circle. Everyone is equal here, and will be like a family. Troublemakers will be dealt with, given warnings then banned if they continue.


- No elitism. You are no better than anyone else, and if you are going to cut someone down on how they portray a character, this is not the place for you.


- NO SPOILERS! Not everyone reads manga, so assume everyone only watches the anime to avoid spoiling people who are not caught up on the story.


- NO HOMOSEXUAL/HETEROSEXUAL/TRANS HATING! If you make fun of ones sexual preference, you will get a swift kick. Do it again, and you are banned.


- Keep things civil within reason IC. If your character -Ahem-Levi-Ahem- is brash and you are simply acting the part, this is fine. However, too much belittling of each other will be put to an end very quickly.


- OOC chat is fine, but if it gets to the point where it is filling up the room and is between two people specifically, please be kind enough to take your conversation to PM.


- All mods are trusted by the room owner to use their better judgment to kick/ban or give warnings as they see necessary.


- OC's ARE welcome~ So long as you aren't a Mary Sue or Gary Stu, you will be fine.


- Last rule, have fun~ It's what we are here for, to explore the world of Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin and enjoy portraying our favorite characters! Any problems, speak to a mod or the owner ASAP so we can work out whatever has gone wrong. We are all adults here, let's not act like high school kids, please.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Welcome to The Survey Corps. We are the men and women who are the first line of defense against mankind's oppressive foe. The Titans. We go out on routine missions to try to obtain any information possible about the enemy that threatens to terminate us all. We are the few brave enough to look into the face of a creature so disturbing, for the sake of humanity. Weak hearts have no business here. Come if you wish to join the fight in saving mankind and end our lives hiding behind walls. Offer up your hearts in exchange.. for Wings of Freedom.