• Front

  • Rules

  • FAQ

  • Useful Terms

  • Staff


The Transmart

"Hmmm... What shall I be today?"


Keywords: Transformation, Body-Modification, Transgender, Tentacles, Shapeshifting


Reasons to join this room!


1. You are just a fan of Transformation.


2. You'd like to meet other Transformation fans.


3. You play in the Transmart room. ( Even if you don't like transformation. )


4. You just like weird people and RPs.


Setting: Large Department Store (Time and Space independent) The outside of the store is a temperate forest with large meadows from ancient space-beaver dams.


Starting Post: We're not picky on how you enter (Staff recommends the front door.) but please do so in character and with enough descriptive detail for us to judge your intent and reply


Postlength: Follow the skirt principle.  Long enough to cover the details but short enough to be interesting.



Voyeurs/Lurkers: Tolerated, just don't expect to get any attention.


Tentacle Shows: One helpless victim, a lexan box and a whole mess of tentacles for your viewing pleasure.  For an example of some tentacles see here. TENTACLES  ( Open to suggestions for new tentacles )


Machines: By popular demand the Transmart has started to build up a large stock of strange machines for use in unusual escapades as well as faciliting many of the less regular kinks of it's customers. 




OOC: Please keep OOC comments marked.  

ex: ( OOC stuff )




Drama: Keep OOC Drama in PM


Spam/Trolling: Do not do it.


Whining: Do not do it. ( Valid complaints may be voiced via PM. )


NSFW Content: Expected, but be respectful.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Transformation? ( For this room )

Altering the body of one's self or others by non-realistic means such as magic or super science.


What is Body-Modification? ( For this room )

Altering the body of one's self or others by realistic and non-magical means; sometimes involves mutilation or surgical contexts.


Is transformation/body-modification permanent?

Only if you want it to be. 


Will this hurt?

Only if you want it to.


 Can I join the room?



Useful Terms

Useful Terms

( Definitions are user submitted, feel free to submit your own. )


Transgender: A person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but combines or moves between these.

For the purposes of this group transgender includes anything that has a gender role but is not 100 percent female or male.


Body-Modification: Altering the body of one's self or one's partner by realistic and non-magical means; sometimes involves mutilation or surgical contexts.


Transformation: Altering the body of one's self or others by non-realistic means such as magic or super science.


 *Thropy: A transformation which allows a creature to take on the characteristics of another animal under certain circumstances.   ex: Lycanthropy


Sissification: Changing the appearance of a male character through realistic means, particularly by the use of makeup, female clothes and/or female accessories, to appear as a female.


Objectification: The partial or full transformation of a person in to an inanimate object such as a piece of furniture


Corruption: A type of transformation where by the essence of one thing causes another thing to become like the first.  For example


Furrification: The transformation of a human or other non furry character in to a furry.  For example


Gender-Swapping: The transformation of one's gender.  The transformation may be as benign as a shift in genitals or as radical as a complete physiological shift.


Objectification: Giving someone characteristics of an inanimate object and often treating them as such.  Degree of transformation varies. Example



Mivo Anajevo: Gore Master


Brownie: Bitch Master

Manager+Public Relations+

Shopkeepers: Lotsa'stuff


Sheeo: Mess Master

Cook+Custodian+Tentacle Husbandry

Thash: Jabberjaw
