A group dedicated to RP and the discussion of the NARUTO franchise. This includes manga, the animation, films, and games. In character or out, just pick one, semi-IC stuff is kind of annoying. But I expect most people are gonna be OOC if they're chatting anyway.


The room's strictly for NARUTO characters, which is pretty obvious. There's no reason to not be on a correct name when you enter, but on the off chance you are, you're going to have a very limited amount of time before you're most likely removed. This is especially the case if you enter the room and idle. Though at the end of the day, this is my room to hang out in, and i'll do whatever I like in it. It's my clubhouse, i'm just letting everyone else in as well.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a augue id ipsum porta egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur pulvinar est sit amet vehicula adipiscing. Sed accumsan tristique ipsum. Cras nec felis eget sem dignissim porta. Curabitur scelerisque et arcu ac consectetur. Quisque gravida ipsum ut orci gravida semper. Nunc non ligula laoreet, ullamcorper leo sed, elementum justo. Donec tempus scelerisque velit in fringilla. Praesent ornare, felis in interdum pellentesque, quam ante iaculis odio, vitae semper tortor est at purus. Nunc lacinia ultricies tempus. Phasellus commodo ut lorem at pretium. Vivamus vitae ligula quis risus pellentesque facilisis id eget leo. Pellentesque faucibus tellus nec libero adipiscing, at tempor turpis tincidunt.


Nam placerat ligula ac augue posuere, ac molestie velit porta. Sed blandit vitae metus nec imperdiet. Praesent ut tempor enim. Nulla pulvinar tristique nunc in semper. Nulla in arcu rhoncus, congue risus vel, malesuada dui. Phasellus faucibus est magna, adipiscing congue neque consequat id. Vestibulum sed tincidunt purus. Proin sed erat at dui dignissim sagittis. Phasellus erat orci, sodales eu vulputate in, ullamcorper nec ante. Mauris vulputate dapibus felis ac semper.


Integer et imperdiet odio, eu elementum dui. Cras tincidunt nunc rutrum sagittis gravida. Integer aliquet elementum lectus, non dignissim augue adipiscing at. Vivamus vitae eros semper, commodo sem a, vehicula est. Nulla tincidunt tellus quis ipsum pretium sollicitudin. Donec ut commodo metus. Fusce arcu tortor, posuere in feugiat convallis, tristique et lectus.


Morbi hendrerit augue ut mauris pharetra ultricies. Nam ultricies imperdiet erat, et fermentum est semper at. Vivamus consequat diam ut sodales tristique. Fusce sed turpis dapibus, imperdiet purus at, bibendum ipsum. Aliquam lacus lectus, interdum nec pellentesque vel, vestibulum et dolor. Aliquam non mattis dui. Donec aliquam ac neque viverra hendrerit. 


The Charter

o1. Respect everyone, behave yourself, and what not. If you have a problem with someone, keep it between you and them. If it's group related bring it to a moderator or owner, and not in the room.

o2. Naruto canon characters and OC's only. No dimensional crossing bullshit. Seriously, i'll kick you right out.

03. No furries, there's a couple different rooms for that already, this isn't one of them.

o4. No sexual content in the room, or in profiles, if you'd please. I don't really mind an F-List link, but i'm not interested in having graphic profiles loitering around my room.

o5. No one's gonna tell you how to make your OC, but if they don't like it, they don't have to RP with you, so use your best judgement. However, there's no reason to shame someone if they have a bad character, that doesn't mean they're a bad person.

o6. Regardless of what these rules are, if you're an outright douche, i'm probably gonna kick you out anyway.


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