This is a Supernatural based role play. The Harvelle's Roadhouse was once owned by Bill Harvelle and run by Ellen and Jo Harvelle. Since the passing of the Harvelle family, the Roadhouse has been passed to the Cadwell family. Danielle Cadwell is currently the sole owner.



- OC & Canon characters are welcome!


- No underage players!


- All children characters must be an NPC.


- All characters must appear human.

- No spamming the room.

- Must have a profile filled out.  If it is a work in progress it must say so by simply putting (WIP). 

- Please be respectful to each others.

- OOC is okay but please be respectful to those who are playing.

- All  smut must be taken to private dms.

- No killing another character without player's permission.

- Fighting allowed in character only! 

- No godmoding. (Controlling other peoples characters).

- There are no posting rules, except to try and match your partner(s).

- Lurking is allowed!

- If you have a problem please discuss it with the owner or a moderator.